
适用 服务 特点 语言 描述
Dnsmasq 经常安全漏洞。轻量级、易于配置的 DNS 转发器,旨在为小型网络提供 DNS。It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS
CoreDNS 很方便地给它编写插件以提供新功能。CoreDNS 是 Kubernetes 推荐的 DNS 服务器。 go
BIG-IP DNS F5公司,Authoritative、Recursive、security / support DNS and application acceleration
商用 CNR(Cisco Network Registrar) a commercial DNS server from Cisco Systems / supports high rates of dynamic update.
  1. 权威服务器Authoritative server
    • Authoritative name servers can be master servers, contain the original set of data
    • can be secondary or slave name servers, containing data copies usually obtained from synchronization directly with the master server
  2. 递归服务器Recursive server
    • sometimes called “DNS caches”, “caching-only name servers”
    • cache the result to answer potential future queries within a certain expiration (time-to-live)
    • every request that you do, passes through a DNS query.
    • It first goes to your internet provider’s recursive DNS server. If it can’t find in the cache, the information needed, it will continue to other recursive servers until it gets to an authoritative DNS server who can give the IP address of the required domain.
    • Basically, it is a name server, that is a middle-man between the user, and the authoritative DNS server.



一台powerdns作为主dns。 多台CoreDNS作为辅助dns

Comparison of DNS server software - Wikipedia

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